Altar Servers Association

Altar Server Association is a group of young boys and girls who assist the priests by serving on the altar in a prayerful manner for the Holy Mass. Apart from serving at the Mass, the Association is also a cradle for religious vocations. They are also helpers to be future leaders of the community by initiating them into the ministries of service at the Altar and Sacraments. Altar servers are very important in the smooth running of the parish services

Boys and girls who have received the sacrament of Baptism and Holy Communion are eligible for training.

To know more regarding the Altar Servers Association, you may get in touch with Mr. S Paul Anthony, Animator - Altar Servers Association.

Visitor : 594954
  • Address: 1, Church Road
  • Sector 2, R. K. Puram
  • New Delhi 110022
  • Phone: 011 - 35639590